Abbie found her passion for bodywork studying Clinical and Orthopedic Massage in Seattle WA at the NW Academy of the healing Arts in 2012. Her understanding of fascia lines and structural balance came from the Seattle Center of Structural Medicine in Seattle. She continues to geek out over kinesiology, biomechanics, physiology and bodywork. Abbie is a Master Myoskeletal Therapist and is always doing ongoing training under Tom Myers of Anatomy Trains: Structural Integration, Eric Dalton of the Freedom from Pain Institute and other notable bodyworkers. Abbie is also certified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder Technieque). She loves helping Roanoke improve posture and reduce injury with myofascial release, myoskeletal alignment and sports massage. She sharpens her studies of movement through kayaking, climbing and hiking, as well as a personal movement and stability practice.