Formerly Theraputic Bodywork and Sports Massage
Formerly Theraputic Bodywork and Sports Massage
Complimentary Books and Movement Programs
Ya know when you ask me what stretches you should do at home? Here it is, in one place, as list of my favorite books and mostly free stretch, strength and fitness programs to complement your bodywork.
***These resources are for people with functional and healthy bodies. If you experience pain, work with your doctor or physical therapist as you may have an underlying condition or a severely collapsed structure preventing healthy movement. ***
Abbie's Favorite Home Gym and Self Myofascial Release Tools*
Xero Shoes: My favorite shoe brand. Zero-drop shoes help balance posture and pelvic tilts, the flexible sole improves proprioception and balance, and the wide toe box allows the toes to move naturally. Minamalist shoes are one of the easiest ways to improve your posture and movement!
The Roll Model (Book): (Tune-up Fitness Affiliate link) Guide to using Massage Balls for Self-Myofascial Release by Jill Miller. Check out her website for free videos and paid classes on how to do SMFR at home.
Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman:(*paid link) Explore how integrating Movement (not exercise) into your daily routine can help you restore posture and reduce pain.
"Rethink Your Position": Katy Bowman's new book on practical trips on moving better and correcting your posture.
Younger Next Year: (*Paid link) Half Motivation, Half Science. Learn how incorporating simple diet and exercise principals can make you feel younger next year. For Real! It's not rocket science folks, but you have to move and fuel your
The Core Program by Peggy Brill:(*Paid link) Originially written for Women 50+ presenting with all to common back issues, this simple recipe for reconnecting to your Core can change your world in 15 min a day.
*The links above contain Amazon Affiliate links. I make a small percentage if you purchase from a link on my site.
The Daily Burn: Great Library of Complete Programs and Short Videos of All levels to help you start your journey into stability, strength and mobility in the comfort of your living room for a low monthly rate.
PHYSIONOMICS: The Best Fat Loss Article on the M*****F***** Internet: Colorful, No nonsense, research based, balanced approach to nutrition and body composition. I actually pay this guy money for his monthly workouts that I can do a home or at my own gym and he helped me fine tune my macros. Beginner Friendly! Seriously eat your protein, become aware of your calorie intake, do 2-3 days of strength a week, and walk on rest days. With adequate protein you will be amazed how NOT hungry you can be while eating healthy portion sizes. His nutrition and Strength programs are designed to help you build/maintain muscle whether your goal is weight loss, maintenance or muscle gain. He uses a Macro approach to help you eat what you want, while learning about appropriate portion sizes and nutrition. Sign up for his blog to get great articles. Then if you love him as much as I do, try his CDP (Crash Diet Protocol - short term touch-up) or PFX (Slow Sustainable Change) programs when enrollment opens. I've done both and love them both!
Corrective Exercise with GuerillaZen: The majority of Westerners have an Anterior Pelvic Tilt, Rounded Shoulders, Forward Head and Weak Cores. Check out Blake Bowmans YouTube videos for strength exercises that improve posture and decrease imbalances. He also has a 3 month Intelligent Strength Workout and Nutrition plan if you'd like a slightly more corrective minded approach than Adam & Physionomics. Sign up for his blog if you are seriously about balanced strength training. To learn more about coaching with Blake and to get sample workout programs, check out his website too:
Therapeutic Yoga with Dr. Ariele Foster Physical Therapist Ariele Foster has a great collection of yoga videos for many strain patterns. Check out her videos on everything from cranky hips to rounded shoulders.
Do Yoga with Me David Procyshyn has a ton of great collection of posture supportive yoga/gentle stretch videos on his YouTube Page Do Yoga with Me. Seriously! Try them all! Most are done on the floor and are a great way to start or end your day. Search the page for Shoulders, Neck, Hips or Back and enjoy! These videos are what I do to stay balanced and will keep you off my table, unless you want to be there. ;-) I've linked to some of my original favorites below, but now there are SO many I love!
Trans4Move You Tube Channel. Taro Iwamoto is a Feldenkais Practioner and Movement Specialist who can help you connect with how the body is designed to move. Reset your nervous system, movement patterns and posture with these gentle movement exercises. Relearn the basics of fountaional movements such as walking, squatting and sitting, as well as how to move better in daily tasks such getting up off the floor, gardening cleaning and more. Love!
7-Day Pelvic Reset: Great set of 7-10 minute videos to stretch, strengthen and balance the pelvis, hips and core. Recommended for all modern people, especially those with low back, SI, or knee pain.
Yoga for Hips, Hamstrings and Back- 30 min -
Yoga for the Hips, Hamstrings and Back - 45 min.
Super Juicy Hip Stretches, Sidebody Stretches and twists that really make the lower back feel great! Honor where your body is and sit on a block or chair for this one if you need to. Only twist until you feel a gentle twist and don't feel like you need to keep up. This is a beginner video if you leave the ego behind and honor where you are. I do the first one after every leg workout.
More Hips, Hamstrings and Twists: Bend and Stretch (30 min.) I love this for adductors/inner thigh, sidebody and hamstrings. A Gentle alternative to the other hip videos.
Hip Flexor Heaven - 30 min - Opening the hip flexors has never felt so good! Hip Flexors are a frequent cause of back pain in athletes and people who sit a lot. A favorite of mine after sitting in a kayak all day.
Hip Strengther (Yoga with Tim) - 25 min: Gentle Hip Strengthener with light Core awareness. Great for regaining pelvis stability to support the hips, low back and knees.
Yoga for the FEET - 25 min - self massage, stretch and strengthen the toes, feet, calves and knees. Great for Plantar Fasciitis and more!
NECK - 10 min. Great for anyone with Headaches or neck pain. Great way to spend your next work break.
HANDS Arms & Shoulders - 20 min. - Amazing for anyone who uses their hands a lot, has arthritis, or wrist pain. A favorite of mine for after work.
SHOULDERS - 30 min . Stretch every muscle that crosses the shoulder joint, plus light heart opening.
Neck and Shoulders (45 min) A New Favorite for me! Juicy Shoulder and Neck Stretches with some awesome sidebending and twists. Yummmm!
Yoga for the UPPER BACK- 35 min - Juicy 10 min relaxation followed by a thorough shoulder, heart and upper back opening.
Chair Yoga for the UPPER BODY: 30 min. Not just for Seniors! I love this gentle, seated chest, neck & shoulder opener after Push-up Day! Similar to the next video, but without the strengthening.
Yoga & Strengthening for Carpel Tunnel & Rounded Shoulders - 30 min - Includes stretches & strengthening for opening up everyday upper body patterns such as rounded shoulders and forward heads that can lead to various pains such as TOS, Carpal Tunnel, Neck Pain, Upper Back Pain, and Shoulder Pains. I do this one after my each of my evening shifts!
Foam Rolling for Thoractic Mobility - 10 min (Yoga with Tim): Rib and Thoractic Mobility is essential for a healthy back, neck and shoulders. Check it out!
Other YouTube Instructors I love:
Yoga with Adriene: Playful and Approachable Beginner and Intermediate yoga with some flow. Check out her 30 day "True Program"
Potential Movement Bodyworks
1409 Grandin Road Southwest, Roanoke, Virginia 24015, United States
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