Formerly Theraputic Bodywork and Sports Massage
Formerly Theraputic Bodywork and Sports Massage
9/1/22: It is with great pleasure that I invite most clients to unmask in my office! I still ask that you delay scheduling if you feel unwell or contagious with any infectious disease. Masking is appreciated if you have chronic or lingering respiratory symptoms or if you have been in a high risk envionment recently.
Therapists will always mask upon request. You can still expect my tools to be cleaned and sanitized after each session. The air purifier will still be on. As always sheets will be fresh. A shared blanket will be available upon request. Please let me know if you need to make any adjustments to your scheduled appointments due to comfort, risk, exposure, or symptoms.
Disease Prevention Protocols (Updated 2/27/22)
Due to the close, indoor contact involved in massage, we continue to be vigilant in our infectious disease prevention protocols. We ask that you review our expectations and preventive protocols below.
PLEASE CANCEL! Notify your therapist as soon as possible if you can’t/shouldn’t keep your scheduled appointment. As always, Late Cancellation Fees will be waived if you develop last minute symptoms. “No Shows” will be billed the full price of the session. Please Call/Text 540-632-2051 or email if you need to cancel.
At your appointment, to help reduce Community Transmission please,
Here’s what you can likely expect from ME during to prevent the spread of disease.
· Therapists will follow CDC and State recommendations.
· Therapists will cancel appointments if they become sick, exposed or symptomatic.
· Therapists will wear masks upon request.
· Therapists will wash hands before/after each session and use hand sanitizer as needed.
· Therapists will provide clean sheets for each session.
· Community blankets will be available by request.
· Sessions may include reduced time in a prone/face-down position. Please let your therapist know if you get uncomfortable.
· Water will not be served.
· Room is equipped with an H13 True HEPA Air Purifier rated CADR 250
· Massage tools and face cradle will be wiped with a soap & water solution after each client.
· Session will wrap up sessions within the appointment time to leave ample time for cleaning
Thanks so much for your continued support in maintaining my wellspace.
Potential Movement Bodyworks
1409 Grandin Road Southwest, Roanoke, Virginia 24015, United States
Now offering Manual Lymphatic Drainage!
New clients are always welcome!
Ask about my Cancellation email list!
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